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Content                 7
 1. Cheerfulness                 20
 2. The Proud Red Rose           30
 3. Appreciation for Good Work    39
 4. The Bell of Atri             41
 5. Leisure                      50
 6. Vikramaditya - AGreat Judge  59
 7. Trees - Our Friends          62
 8. I Keep Six Honest Men        72
 9. Peppy gets a Home            81
10. The Milkman's Cow            83
11. The Wonderful World          91
12. Helping Hand                 92
      Growth Mindset - 1         94
      Growth Mindset - 2         95
      Growth Mindset - 3         96
      Growth Mindset- 4
      Model Test Paper - 1
      Model Test Paper - 2
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11